From the land and the water that is our home we acknowledge the past, present and future of this place and all of the living beings that we share the rights, responsibilities and joys of this home with.


We acknowledge the Lenape communities that have lived here for thousands of years.
We acknowledge that they continue to live here and that their homes are still here.


We recognize the many different communities of the Lenape. Those near to us and those who have been displaced far away. Those who were forced to assimilate and those who have been destroyed. Those who are recognized and those who are not recognized. 


We are all neighbors today and tomorrow. We extend ourselves with respect and compassion for our journey on these lands together, from the north, the south, the east, the west, we walk the path of a shared home with friendship.

We acknowledge that as many of our Lenape neighbors relearn their ancestral ways, we can work with them to preserve their language and their stories, and make space for all of us neighbors to learn more about one another.